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Tales of the Abyss

Tales of the Abyss - Asch & Luke - Big Bang.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch & Luke - Souda, Wanko to Tabi ne de you.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch & Luke - Tell the Other Side the Mirror.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch x Guy - Crimson [Dragonfly].rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch x Luke - Fall.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch x Luke - Honey Life.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch x Luke - Itsumo Miteita Sora no wa Nashi.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Asch x Natalia, Luke x Tear - Dekamelon.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Different - Innocence.rar

Tales of the Abyss - General - Fever Pitch 2.rar

Tales of the Abyss - General - Gaillardia.rar

Tales of the Abyss - General - God Bless.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy & Asch - Avenger.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy & fem!Luke.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy & Luke - Gravity.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy & Luke - Knockin' on heaven's door.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy & Luke - Samurai Rockers.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy x Anise, Asch x Natalia, Asch x Tear - Replica Lover.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy x Jade.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy x Luke - Aoi Hibi no Kokyuu.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy x Luke - Puni Puni.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Guy x Luke.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Ion x Anise - Arushiteitsu.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Jade & Dist - Independent Love Song 1.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Jade & Peony & Dist - Who Knows.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Jade x Dist - Independent Love Song 2.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Jade x Dist - Shameless Man's Place Between Your Legs.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Jade x Luke.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Legretto & Tear - Pistol Opera.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Legretto x Tear - Teia No Namida.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Asch - Cadeau L.A.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Asch - How to Love.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Asch - Predation.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Asch - Puchi.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Asch - R18.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Asch - Review.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Jade - One Way.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Tear - Melon Melon [FAKKU] (English).rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Tear - Oppai.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Tear - Sanka Ku-uma.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Tear - Tanpatsu Luke Junjou Hen.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Luke x Tear - Tiaraku.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony & Jade - Artbook.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony & Jade - Home, Sweet Home.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony & Jade - Key of the Kingdom.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony x Jade - Golden Life.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony x Jade - Isoide Heaven.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony x Jade - Joker Joe.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony x Jade - Martyr's Finger.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Peony x Jade - Tales of Aozukinchan.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Sync x Ion - Emerald Cage [Akashic Rewrite].rar

Tales of the Abyss - Tear x Anise - Junbi Gou.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Van &Mary, Van x Luke, A Bunch of Old Men x Van - Ruin the World.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Van x Luke - Amarans.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Van x Luke - Deceptive World.rar

Tales of the Abyss - Van x Luke - Replay.rar

Tales of the Abyss - x Tear - Supernova.rar
@темы: Van, Natalia, NC-15, Tear, Luke, Guy, Legretta, Sync, yaoi, yuri, hentai, doujinshi, Ion, Asсh, Jade, Tales of the Abyss, Dist, Peony, NC-17, NC-21, G, PG-13
Почему не открываются ссылки?
И очередной вопрос: а есть еще додзинси по этому фендому, но рейтингом не выше PG-13?
Так здесь полно таких
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Я туда заявку подала, а сейчас сижу и думаю - стоило ли вообще...
Не оттуда
Ага, я этот пост на тайском сайте, вроде, тоже видела.
Ну, пустят меня - сравню. )
Там админ не слишком торопливый, правда.
И поделюсь даже, если там что стоящее будет. )
Спасибо заранее