Уж не знаю, знали ли все, но я в шоке. В радостном шоке!!
- Kimlasca and Malkuth search Auldrant for traces of Luke fon Fabre. Guy sometimes joins them.
- Duke Fabre decides to build a grave for his son.
- Jade starts fomicry again with the help of Saphir, whom Peony released from prison.
- Tritheim becomes Grand Maestro.
- Luke's friends are waiting for him.
Информация взята здесь:
Tales of the Abyss Timelineчитать дальшеНарод в комментариях задает уточняющие вопросы, кстати, откуда,мол информация, на что автор этой хронологии отвечает:
If you do the Nebilim sidequest, youlearn that he survived.
И еще есть уточнения:
I have one question, though--where dotheevents for ND2019 come from? I took a look at this timeline (which is the oneyou used, right?), and it skips between ND2018 andND2020.
The 2019 stuff comes from the 4thanimeDrama CD, which tells a bit of how the party characters are a few monthsafterdefeating Van in Eldrant.